“As the one dies, so the other dies.”

(Ecclesiastes 3:19)

Wise King Solomon said that animals die just like humans. And as is known, “death … is a direct result of sin and rebellion against God.” (The Watchtower, August 1, 1996, page 7) Does this mean that animals sin too and die therefore?

Yes, God’s word plainly shows that this is true. The Mosaic Law contained instructions for “donkeys” and “domestic animals,” for example, they were not allowed to work on the Sabbath. (Deuteronomy 5:14) But just as humans, so did the animals prove to be sinners. Eventually the prophet Jonah had to prompt the inhabitants of Nineveh: “Let them cover themselves with sackcloth, man and domestic animal; and let them … come back, each one from his bad way.” – Jonah 3:8, NWT 1984.

What should animals do to be saved? The psalmist invites them: “Praise Jehovah from the earth … you wild animals and all you domestic animals.” (Psalm 148:7, 10) Thus they should visit the congregation meetings with us, so that they have the opportunity “to praise Jehovah in the congregation.” (The Watchtower, April 15, 2007, page 23) Domestic animals must share in field service too; that’s why the Bible urges all homeowners: “Ask, please, the animals, and they will instruct you.” – Job 12:7.

In ancient times, God occasionally had to “cut off … earthling man and domestic animal.” (Ezekiel 14:19, NWT 1984) Hence, many domestic animals will be destroyed at Armageddon. Only those “who are sighing and groaning will survive. (Ezekiel 9:4) When our “domestic animal has sighed” and had a regular share in field service and in the congregation meetings, it might be saved. – Joel 1:18.