“Unless you repent, you will all likewise be destroyed.”

(Luke 13:3)

Jehovah claims to be “a righteous God and a Savior.” (Isaiah 45:21) But how did he save his worshippers of old? He saved Noah and his family from the deluge that he himself brought upon the earth. (Genesis 6:13, 14) He saved Lot and his daughters from the destruction that he himself brought upon Sodom and Gomorrah. (Genesis 19:23, 24) He saved Joseph and his family from the famine that he himself brought upon the land. (Psalm 105:16) In Elijah’s day he also saved a widow from the famine that he himself brought upon Israel. (2 Kings 8:1) God saved Jeremiah and Ebed-Melech from the Babylonians that he himself sent to Jerusalem. – Jeremiah 25:8, 9; 45:5.

Still today he demands people to “truly appreciate the salvation provided through Christ and God’s grace.” (Awake!, April 8, 1978, page 28) This is another “salvation” from a disaster that he himself wants to bring upon mankind. (2 Thessalonians 1:6-9) Jesus did the same; when he told people that they would “all likewise be destroyed” he actually meant that he himself would kill them. – Luke 19:27.

If a criminal would announce to murder others but spare us – would we revere him as our “savior?” If a burglar robs other houses but spares ours, would we go from house to house and proclaim his name? If someone takes everything from us and leaves a piece of bread, would we thank him for the ‘wonderful salvation?’

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