“There was a dense darkness …

… in all the land of Egypt for three Days … and none of them got up from where they were for three days.” (Exodus 10:22, 23)

In our time there is no literal darkness anymore, but also “today it is not Pharaoh who is ruler … [but] Jehovah God, the Greater Pharaoh.” (Survival Into a New Earth, page 79) Accordingly the “darkness” does not come upon Pharaoh’s people, the Egyptians, but upon Jehovah’s people. This happens every year during the “three-day district conventions, organized by Jehovah’s Witnesses.” (The Watchtower, July 1, 2007, page 7) Like the Egyptians, Jehovah’s Witnesses do not ‘get up from where they are for three days’ because “getting up unnecessarily” and “moving about unnecessarily” is prohibited. – Exodus 10:23; Our Kingdom Ministry, February 1988, page 7; May 1993, page 6.

Some may object and say that at these conventions there is not “darkness” but rather “brighter light.” (The Watchtower, September 15, 2011, page 14) But the prophet Isaiah already warned against “those who are putting darkness for light.” (Isaiah 5:20, NWT 1984) And “Satan … put forth error … as a substitute for truth. In other words, he put darkness for light. Interestingly, it was regarding life, saying that Eve would not die but would continue to live in the flesh on earth if she did as he suggested. He promised her increased enlightenment.” – The Watchtower, May 15, 1976, page 304.

So Jehovah’s Witnesses follow Satan’s example. They too keep saying that their followers “would not die but would continue to live in the flesh on earth” if they follow the Watchtower doctrines. This started as early as 1918 with the discourse “Millions now living will never die!” and continues to this day. (Jehovah’s Witnesses – Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom, page 425) Like the devil, they ‘promise increased enlightenment’ in the form of “accurate knowledge of God’s purpose.” (The Watchtower, September 1, 2009, page 6) But in actual fact, their conventions are “a dense [spiritual] darkness!”

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